InforMS: Spring 2022



Painting the Picture of MS

MS Awareness Month is an opportunity to draw attention to our MS community and help educate others about what it means to live with multiple sclerosis. Over the years that’s...

MS Pictures: Aisha H.

Aisha is 29 and was diagnosed with MS five years ago. What were some of the early symptoms you experienced? I started to get numbness and a tingling sensation in...

MS Pictures: Juan Carlos M.

Juan Carlos is 50 years old and was diagnosed with MS in 2009. What were the first symptoms you noticed? My left side — my arm, leg, and foot —...

MS Pictures: Chris M.

Chris is 57 years old and was diagnosed with MS six months ago. We spoke with Chris and her husband, Jim. Can you tell us a little about your early...

MS Pictures: Lauren B.

Lauren is 42 and was diagnosed with MS in 2011. What were your earliest symptoms and how were you diagnosed with MS? We were living in Austin, Texas at the...

MS Pictures: Brent M.

Brent is 69 years old and was diagnosed with MS in 2003. What were the first symptoms you noticed? I started noticing that I couldn’t do the things that I...

MS Pictures: Kitty G.

Kitty is 66 years old and was diagnosed 34 years ago. What symptoms were you experiencing prior to your diagnosis? I was driving to my home in Westminster and the...

MS Pictures: Kourtlyn H.

Kourtlyn is 27 years old and was diagnosed with MS six months ago. What were the first symptoms you noticed? I lost vision in my left eye while on a family...

Friends of the MS Center: Sign Up as a Monthly Donor!

Show your support and commitment to those impacted by MS by becoming a Friend of the Rocky Mountain MS Center! Your monthly donation will automatically be deducted from your checking...